HTML Tags & CSS Classes

HTML elements

Each Hyperstack component renders a series of HTML (and SVG) elements, using Ruby expressions to control the output.

UL do
  5.times { |n| LI { "Number #{n}" }}

For example

DIV(class: 'green-text') { "Let's gets started!" }

would create the following HTML:

<div class="green-text">Let's gets started!</div>

And this would render a table:

TABLE(class: 'ui celled table') do
  THEAD do
    TR do
      TH { 'One' }
      TH { 'Two' }
      TH { 'Three' }
  TBODY do
    TR do
      TD { 'A' }
      TD(class: 'negative') { 'B' }
      TD { 'C' }

See the predefined tags summary for the complete list of HTML and SVG elements.

Naming Conventions

To distinguish between HTML and SVG tags, builtin components and application defined components the following naming conventions are followed:

  • ALLCAPS denotes a HTML, SVG or builtin React psuedo components such as FRAGMENT.

  • CamelCase denotes an application defined component class like TodoList.

HTML parameters

You can pass any expected parameter to a HTML or SVG element:

A(href: '/') { 'Click me' } # <a href="/">Click me</a>
IMG(src: '/logo.png')  # <img src="/logo.png">

Each key-value pair in the parameter block is passed down as an attribute to the tag as you would expect.


You can specify the CSS class on any HTML element.

P(class: 'bright') { }
... or
P(class: :bright) { }
... or
P(class: [:bright, :blue]) { } # class='bright blue'

For style you need to pass a hash using the React style conventions:

P(style: { display: item[:some_property] == "some state" ? :block : :none })

Complex Arguments

You can pass multiple hashes which will be merged, and any individual symbols (or strings) will be treated as =true. For example

A(:flag, {href: '/'}, class: 'my_class')

will generate

<a flag=true href='/' class='myclass'></a>

more on passing hashes to methods

Last updated