
Community and support

Hyperstack is supported by a friendly, helpful community, both for users, and contributors. We welcome new people, please reach out and say hello.

StackOverflow questions

Please ask technical questions on StackOverflow as the answers help people in the future. We use the hyperstack tag, but also add ruby-on-rails, ruby and react-js tags to get this project exposed to a broader community.

Github issues

If you find a bug please create an issue or better still a PR! There are also a list of issues marked as "good first issue"

Improving the docs

  • We always welcome any improvements to the docs, so please issue a PR from the docs pages

Write a tutorial or blog

  • More than anything, this project needs promotion. If you like this project there is no greater way to show it than write about it and broadcast it to the world. Writing a tutorial is a fantastic way of learning as well.

Last updated