Methods and Features

HyperSpec Methods and Features

Expectation Helpers

These can be used any where within your specs:

These methods are used after mounting a component to retrieve events sent outwards from the component:

Expectation Targets

These can be used within expectations replacing the to and not_to methods. The expectation expression must be inclosed in a block.

These methods have the following aliases to make your specs more readable:

in addition

  • with - can be chained with the above methods to pass data to initialize local variables on the client

Other Debugging Aids

The following methods are used primarly at a debug break point, most require you use binding.pry as your debugger:

  • to_js - returns the ruby code compiled to JS.

  • c? - alias for on_client.

  • ppr - print the results of the ruby expression on the client console.

  • debugger - Sets a debug breakpoint on code running on the client.

  • open_in_chrome - Opens a chrome browser that will load the current state.

  • pause - Halts execution on the server without blocking I/O.

Available Webdrivers

HyperSpec comes integrated with Chrome and Chrome headless webdrivers. The default configuration will run using Chrome headless. To see what is going on set the DRIVER environment variable to chrome

DRIVER=chrome bundle exec rspec

Timecop Integration

You can use the timecop gem to control the flow of time within your specs. Hyperspec will coordinate things with the client so the time on the client is kept in sync with the time on the server. So for example if you use Timecop to advance time 1 day on the server, time on the browser will also advance by one day.

See the Client Initialization Options section for how to control the client time zone, and clock resolution.

The no_reset flag

By default the client environment will be reinitialized at the beginning of every spec. If this is not needed you can speed things up by adding the no_reset flag to a block of specs.

Known Issues

See the last section below for known issues.


The on_client method

The on_client method takes a block. The ruby code inside the block will be executed on the client, and the result will be returned.

  it 'will print a message on the client' do
    on_client do
      puts 'hey I am running here on the client!'

If the block returns a promise Hyperspec will wait for the promise to be resolved (or rejected) before returning. For example:

  it 'waits for a promise' do
    start_time =
    result = on_client do
      promise =
      after(10.seconds) { promise.resolve('done!') }
    expect(result).to eq('done!')
    expect( be >= 10.seconds

HyperSpec will do its best to reconstruct the result back on the server in some sensible way. Occasionally it just doesn't work, in which case you can end the block with a nil or some other simple expression, or use the run_on_client method, which does not return the result.

Accessing variables on the client

It is often useful to pass variables from the spec to the client. Hyperspec will copy all your local variables, memoized variables, and instance variables known at the time the on_client block is compiled to the client.</br>

  let!(memoized) { 'a memoized variable' }
  it 'will pass variables to the client' do
    local = 'a local variable'
    @instance = 'an instance variable'
    result = on_client { [memoized, local, @instance] }
    expect(result).to eq [memoized, local, @instance]

Note that memoized variables are not initialized until first accessed, so you probably want to use the let! method unless you are sure you are accessing the memoized value before sending it to the client.

The value of instance variables initialized on the client are preserved across blocks executed on the client. For example:

  it 'remembers instance variables' do
    on_client { @total = 0 }
    10.times do |i|
      # note how we are passing i in
      on_client { @total += i }
    result = on_client { @total }
    expect(result).to eq(10 * 11 / 2)

Be especially careful of this when using the no_reset flag as instance variables will retain their values between each spec in this mode.

White and Black Listing Variables

By default all local variables, memoized variables, and instance variables in scope in the spec will be copied to the client. This can be controlled through the include_vars and exclude_vars client options.

include_vars can be set to

  • an array of symbols: only those vars will be copied,

  • a single symbol: only that var will be copied,

  • any other truthy value: all vars will be copied (the default)

  • or nil, false, or an empty array: no vars will be copied.

exclude_vars can be set to

  • an array of symbols - those vars will not be copied,

  • a single symbol - only that var will be excluded,

  • any other truthy value - no vars will be copied,

  • or nil, false, or an empty array - all vars will be copied (the default).


  # don't copy vars at all.
  client_option exclude_vars: true
  # only copy var1 and the instance var @var2
  client_option include_vars: [:var1, :@var2]
  # only exclude foo_var
  client_option exclude_vars: :foo_var

Note that the exclude_vars list will take precedence over the include_vars list.

The exclude/include lists can be overridden on an individual call to on_client by providing a hash of names and values to on_client:

  result = on_client(var: 12) { var * var }
  expect(result).to eq(144)

You can do the same thing on expectations using the with method - See Client Expectation Targets.

The isomorphic method

The isomorphic method works the same as on_client but in addition it also executes the same block on the server. It is especially useful when doing some testing of ActiveRecord models, where you might want to modify the behavior of the model on server and the client.

  it 'can run code the same everywhere!' do
    isomorphic do
      def factorial(x) ? 1 : x * factorial(x - 1)

    on_the_client = on_client { factorial(7) }
    on_the_server = factorial(7)
    expect(on_the_client).to eq(on_the_server)

Client Initialization Options

The first time a spec runs code on the client, it has to initialize a browser context. You can use the client_options (aka client_option) method to specify the following options when the page is loaded.

  • time_zone - browsers always run in the local time zone, if you want to force the browser to act as if its in a different zone, you can use the time_zone option, and provide any valid zone that the rails in_time_zone method will accept.

    Example: client_option time_zone: 'Hawaii'

  • clock_resolution: Indicates the resolution that the simulated clock will run at on the client, when using the TimeCop gem. The default value is 20 (milliseconds).

  • include_vars: white list of all vars to be copied to the client. See Accessing Variables on the Client for details.

  • exclude_vars: black list of all vars not to be copied to the client. See Accessing Variables on the Client for details.

  • render_on: :client_only (default), :server_only, or :both

    Hyperstack components can be prerendered on the server. The render_on option controls this feature. For example server_only is useful to insure components are properly prerendered. See the mount method below for more details on rendering components

  • no_wait: After the page is loaded the system will by default wait until all javascript requests to the server complete before proceeding. Specifying no_wait: true will skip this.

  • javascript: The javascript asset to load when mounting the component. By default it will be application (.js is assumed). Note that the standard Hyperstack configuration will compile all the client side Ruby assets as well as javascript packages into the application.js file, so the default will work fine.

  • style_sheet: The style sheet asset to load when mounting the component. By default it will be application (.css is assumed).

  • controller - (expert zone!) specify a controller that will be used to mount the

    component. By default hyper-spec will build a controller and route to handle the request from the client to mount the component.

Any other options not listed above will be passed along to the Rail's controller render method. So for example you could specify some other specific layout using client_option layout: 'special_layout'

Note that this method can be used in the before(:each) block of a spec context to provide options for all the specs in the block.

Mounting Components

The mount method is used to render a component on a page:

  it 'can display a component for me' do
    mount 'SayHello', name: 'Lannar' do
      class SayHello < HyperComponent
        param :name
        render(DIV) do
          "Hello #{name}!"

    expect(page).to have_content('Hello Lannar')

The mount method has a few options. In it's simplest form you specify just the name of the component that is already defined in your hyperstack code and it will be mounted.

You can add parameters that will be passed to the component as in the above example. As the above example also shows you can also define code within the block. This is just shorthand for defining the code before hand using on_client. The code does not have to be the component being mounted, but might be just some logic to help with the test.

In addition mount can take any of the options provided to client_options (see above.) To provide these options, you must provide a (possibly) empty params hash. For example:

mount 'MyComponent', {... params ... }, {... opts ... }

Retrieving Event Data From the Mounted Component

Components receive parameters, and may send callbacks and events back out. To test if a component has sent the appropriate data you can use the following methods:

  • callback_history_for

  • last_callback_for

  • clear_callback_history_for

  • event_history_for

  • last_event_for

  • clear_event_history_for

  it 'can check on a clients events and callbacks' do
    mount 'BigTalker' do
      class BigTalker < HyperComponent
        fires :i_was_clicked
        param :call_me_back, type: Proc

        before_mount { @click_counter = 0 }

        render(DIV) do
          BUTTON { 'click me' }.on(:click) do
            @click_counter += 1
    3.times do
    # the history is an array, one element for each item in the history
    expect(event_history_for(:i_was_clicked).length).to eq(3)
    # each item in the array is itself an array of the arguments
    expect(last_call_back_for(:call_me_back)).to eq([3])
    # clearing the history resets the array to empty
    expect(event_history_for(:i_was_clicked).length).to eq(0)

Note that you must declare the params as type Proc, or use the fires method to declare an event for the history mechanism to work.

Other Helpers


Specifies a block of code to be executed before the first call to mount, isomorphic or on_client. This is primarly useful to add to an rspec before(:each) block containing common client code needed by all the specs in the context.

Unlike mount, isomorphic and on_client, before_mount does not load the client page, but will wait for the first of the other methods to be called.


Adds a CSS class. The first parameter is the name of the class, and the second is a hash of styles, represented in the React style format.

Example: add_class :some_class, borderStyle: :solid adds a class with style border-style: 'solid'


same as on_client but no value is returned. Useful when the return value may be too complex to marshall and unmarshall using JSON.


Shorthand for mount with no parameters. Useful if you need to reset the client within a spec.


Indicates the size of the browser window. The values can be given either symbolically or as two numbers (width and height). Predefined sizes are:

  • :small: 480 x 320

  • :mobile 640 x 480

  • :tablet 960 x 64,

  • :large 1920 x 6000

  • :default 1024 x 768

All of the above can be modified by providing the :portrait option as the first or second parameter.

So for example the following are all equivalent:

  • size_window(:small, :portrait)

  • size_window(:portrait, :small)

  • size_window(320, 480)


returns any ActiveModel attributes loaded on the client. HyperModel will normally begin a load cycle as soon as you access the attribute on the client. However it is sometimes useful to see what attributes have already been loaded.


takes a string and inserts it into test page when it is mounted. Useful for testing code that is not dependent on Hyper Components. For example an Opal library that adds some jQuery extensions.

Client Expectation Targets

These can be used within expectations replacing the to and not_to methods. The expectation expression must be inclosed in a block.

For example:

it 'has built-in expectation targets' do
  expect { RUBY_ENGINE }.on_client_to eq('opal')

The above expectation is short for saying:

  result = on_client { RUBY_ENGINE }
  expect(result).to eq('opal')

These methods have the following aliases to make your specs more readable:

  • to_on_client

  • on_client_to_not

  • on_client_not_to

  • to_not_on_client

  • not_to_on_client

  • to_then

  • then_to_not

  • then_not_to

  • to_not_then

  • not_to_then

The then variants are useful to note that the spec involves a promise, but it does no explicit checking that the result comes from a promise.

In addition the with method can be chained with the above methods to pass data to initialize local variables on the client:

  it 'can pass values to the client using the with method' do
    expect { foo * foo }.with(foo: 12).to_on_client eq(144)

By default HyperSpec will copy all local variables, memoized variables, and instance variables defined in a spec to the client. The specific variables can also be white listed and black listed. The with method overrides any white or black listed values. So for example if you prefer to use the more explicit with method to pass values to the client, you can add client_option exclude_vars: true in a before(:all) block in your spec helper. See Accessing Variables on the Client for details.

Useful Debug Methods

These methods are primarily designed to help debug code and specs.


Shorthand for on_client, useful for entering expressions in the pry console, to investigate the state of the client.

pry:> c? { puts 'hello on the console' } # prints hello on the client
-> nil


Takes a block like on_client but rather than running the code on the client, simply returns the resulting code. This is useful for debugging obscure problems when the Opal compiler or some feature of Hyperspec is suspected as the issue.


Takes a block like on_client and prints the result on the client console using JS console.log. Equivalent to doing

  on_client do  
    end.tap { |r| `console.log(r)` }

This is useful when the result cannot be usefully returned to the server, or when the result of interest is better looked at as the raw javascript object.


This psuedo method can be inserted into any code executed on the client. It will cause the code to stop, and enter a javascript read-eval loop, within the debug console.

Unfortunately ATM we do not have the technology to enter a Ruby read-eval loop at an arbitrary point on the client.

Note: due to a bug in the Opal compiler your code should not have debugger as the last expression in a method or a block. In this situation add any expression (such as nil) after the debugger statement.

def foo
  ... some code ...
  debugger  # this will fail with a compiler syntax error


By default specs are run with headless chrome, so there is no visible browser window. The open_in_chrome method will open a browser window, and load it with the current state.

You can also run specs in a visible chrome window by setting the DRIVER environment variable to chrome. i.e. (DRIVER=chrome bundle exec rspec ...)


The method is typically not needed assuming you are using a multithreaded server like Puma. If for whatever reason the pry debug session is not multithreaded, and you want to try some kind of experiment on the javascript console, and those experiments make requests to the server, you may not get a response, because all threads are in use.

You can resolve this by using the pause method in the debug session which will put the server debug session into a non-blocking loop. You can then experiment in the JS console, and when done release the pause by executing go() in the javascript debug console.

Known Issues

Using visit and the Application Layout

Currently this is not well integrated (see issue 398). If you want to visit a page on the website using visit, the following will not work: Timecop integration, and the insert_html and before_mount methods. You will also have to execute this line in your spec:

page.instance_variable_set("@hyper_spec_mounted", true)

Upvote issue 398 if this presents a big problem for you.

Some Complex Expressions Do Not Work

This has been fixed in Parser version 2.7 which works with Opal 1.0 So the issue is only with older versions of Opal.

Issue 127

You may get an error like this when running a spec:

(string):1:20: error: unexpected token tOP_ASGN
(string):1: hash.[]("foo") += 1

The problem is the unparser incorrectly generates hash.[]("foo") += 1 instead of hash['foo'] += 1.

The good news its pretty easy to find such expressions and replace them with something like

hash["foo"] = hash["foo"] + 1

Last updated

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